Following Our Hearts

How much should we follow our hearts and how much should we listen to others? It’s difficult especially when you realise that there’s a fine line between been stubborn and being steadfast. It’s good to listen to others but at the same time we can’t allow others to rule our lives by what they think. It can get tiring but I think it’s worth it to continue to balance this out in life. It’s worth it to work through stuff and at the end of the day to come to the conclusion that there is no one but God who can bring things to pass. The realisation that He is in control and is the perfect judge of how we feel, what we have worked through and the depths of our struggles & pain is something that has been of great comfort to me personally.

He shines brightest in the darkness

He shines brightest in the darkness

It’s worth it to hold on to God because He first held on to us. Even if your best friends and the people you care for the most don’t understand you; He does. Even if you are rejected and ridiculed; know God never ever does that to you. He loves us all the same and he knows us best. I can do no more than follow my heart even though it feels stupid & illogical but I trust that my God understands best. After all He is the one who knit me in my mother’s womb. The best part is that He knows me more than I know myself and He knows you in that same way too. Isn’t that an awesome thought?

Things may be difficult right now in some areas of life for some of us but it’s in the darkness that we truly encounter God. Hold on to Him. Press on with Him. Trust Him. Even if your best friends can’t understand you; He understands you. I’m learning that for myself. I’m learning to have faith. To trust. To know that whatever happens to my hopes & my dreams; the one that will always remain is God. He is the be all and end all. The beginning and the end. And He is the same for you as He is for me.